Richfield Hospitality 2016

img_0475The Ohio Bottle Club’s 2016 Richfield Show and Sale kicked off with a spectacular hospitality room on Saturday night. The feast started early as guests fill the room eager for all the home cooking that the OBC has become famous. When it was all done, the OBC feed a record number of bottle guests, at least 55 ate their fill. Featured dishes included Adam & Phyllis Koch Koch pulled pork, Louis Fifer broccoli -chedder soup, Robert Kreiling BBQ ribs & fruit, Elaine DeMaison baked beans with sausage, Elizabeth Lacy pulled beef, pasta salad, mashed potatoes, & apple salad, Jim & Dianna Cady salads, Terry Crislip salad, Bo & Twinkle Sullivan pulled chicken, Bruce Drollinger pies, Lindsay Stoneman assorted desserts, Marlene Franchino Fava salad, Jim Tyson, and John & Louis Fifer for furnishing the munchies, pop & table settings. I know I forgot someone and I apologize in advance. Click on “Read More” to see all the pictures from the hospitality room.img_0472 img_0473 img_0475 img_0476 img_0477 img_0478 img_0479 img_0480 img_0481 img_0482 img_0483 img_0484 img_0485 img_0486 img_0487 img_0488 img_0489 img_0490 img_0491 img_0492 img_0493 img_0494

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