Thanks to Fred Donley, John Fifer, Louis Fifer, Steve Wherley, Jeff DeLuca, and Alan DeMaison for the February “Anything but Bottles” program. Nice variety of collections. March is another club sharing program where members share their recently acquired treasures. The Ohio Bottle Club Facebook page is now sharing OBC events with the bottle world. Want to share your latest bottle acquisition with the world, send me a picture and a description. Fred Donley started the March “Anything But Bottles” with a very nice selection of early Wooster covers. He had them displayed very nicely. Click on the “Read More” for more pictures.
Month: March 2016
Baltimore 2016
Ohio was well represented at the 2016 Baltimore Antique Bottle Show and Sale on Sunday. Many Ohio Bottle Club members and Ohioans made the trip for the show. The variety of bottles and go-withs was amazing with nice selection for the beginner and the old timers. Click on “Read More” to see all the pictures.