
LogoOhio Bottle Club, was formed as a purely benevolent, charitable and educational organization and not for financial gain.  No financial gain shall be derived by any member of this Club nor any person or institution in the conduct of same, but any receipts of this corporation shall be applied to promote, foster and encourage all activities of the Club toward the betterment of bottle collections, to better facilitate the exchanging of information pertaining to bottles and bottle collections, to better facilitate the exhibiting, displaying, trading, promoting and researching of bottles and bottle collections, including the researching of glass and related vessels.

The first meeting was June, 1968 at the Barberton YMCA on 2nd Street. Founding members were Bill Krites, Diane Krites, Ralph Bowman, Reid Witman, Peggy Witman, Ralph Bond, Alan Easterday, Frank Salzwimmer, and Bill Koster.

BY LAWS OF OHIO BOTTLE CLUB as updated May 26, 2022


Original Logo By Elma Watson

List of Officer since 1969

List of Editors, Show chairman, WebMaster, and Locations since 1969 Scroll down past the Officers list.