This month is the club’s annual Christmas dinner. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Dinner is at 6:30 on December 17th. We need some volunteers to be officers for next year. Secretary is a definite need. Please consider sharing your talents. We need volunteers to educate us on a part of collecting that you are an expert. We are always ready to learn about something new. Elaine’s brides bank collection started with a program that Ann Sekerak did for the bottle club. Her jelly jar collection started with a program we saw at the FOHBC National in Collinsville. Share your collecting. Click on the “Read More” to see the pictures from the November meeting.
According to the Internet Antique Gazette, “Noah White began making pottery for several local firms in Utica, New York, circa 1834, In 1839 he bought out one of these companies, the Addington Pottery, and began making stoneware with the mark “N. WHITE” with the help of his son Nicholas A. White. Another son, William, joined the pottery in 1843; both were made partners in 1849 when the firm became “N. WHITE AND SONS”. William White sold out in 1856 and moved to Utica, Illinois, and the firm’s mark changed to “N. WHITE AND SON”. In spite of the rapid changes in company ownership – or perhaps because of it – the marks “WHITES UTICA” OR “WHITE’S UTICA” were used from the 1850′s to the 1870′s. In 1863 Noah’s grandson William N. White joined the pottery and name changed to Noah White, Son and Company. Two years later Noah died and Nicholas assumed control of the works, changing the name to “N. A. WHITE AND COMPANY”. This name was modified slightly in 1867 to “N. A. WHITE AND SON” when his son became a partner. From 1876 to 1882 the firm’s mark became “WHITES, UTICA, N.Y.” In 1882 Nicholas’s younger son Charles N. White joined the pottery and the mark became “N.A. WHITE AND SON, UTICA, N.Y.” The company used the name “CENTRAL NEW YORK POTTERY” from 1890 to 1899, and then “WHITES POTTERY INC.” until the pottery stopped making stoneware in 1907.” Louis Fifer brought in 2 very nice coolers from the Whites Pottery Inc., late 1890’s to 1907.
Alan DeMaison brought a rare PONCE DE LEON Springs jug from Meadville, Pa.
In the early 1900s, according to “Locate a Springs” on the internet, “This is a decent quality sulfur spring which has long been touted as powerfully healing. Formerly, there was a large bottling company down the hill which shipped this water all over the country to people eager to experience it’s healing properties. If you take a walk down the hill and look in the nearby stream bank, you may still find intact Ponce De Leon glass bottles. Just be sure to ask the friendly neighbors first.”
Roger Hardesty brought in a nice selection of Benton Myers stoneware bottles from Cleveland OH. In the mid 1800s, Truman Dunhams first business venture in Cleveland was a wholesale drug business with G.O. Griswold and Horace Benton under Benton and Dunham. The business grew so rapidly that there was a need for separation. Griswold took the drug trade under Benton, Myers and Canfield. Canfield later died and that may have lead to the forming of Benton, Myers & Company.
Griswold took the paints, oils and glass trade forming the Truman Dunham and Co. A year later they admitted Henry A. Sherwin as a member of the firm. A few years later, Sherwin took the paints and formed the Sherwin Williams Company.
Tim Ickes added 2 beautiful pieces of stoneware, a crock and a jug.
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