This Saturday! Getting ready for the Western Reserve Insulator Club’s Allegheny Valley Insulator Show coming up this Saturday, July 13th, in West Leechburg, PA, which is northeast of Pittsburgh and is accessible via the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The show hosts and club officers invite collectors and future collectors to join in the camaraderie at the spacious and well-lit indoor venue, as dealers from several states will be offering a variety of insulators and go-withs for your collecting interests.
If you’ve never been to a formal insulator show, it’s an opportunity for you to interact, in person, with other collectors, make new friends…and to see, handle and even add to your own collection insulators that you won’t be able to “find in the wild” anymore. Don’t procrastinate if you are contemplating participating as a show dealer…get a table reservation made with Ron Barth…today! As always, a scrumptious lunch will be available for all attendees at the venue. Hope to see you there!
Rick Baldwin